Sarabah is a documentary about Senegalese rapper Sister Fa, a childhood victim of female genital cutting, and her grassroots campaign to end the practice in her homeland. Initially planned as a short for a series Steven Lawrence was producing for Link TV about groundbreaking artists in the Muslim world, Steven and his team (Maria Luisa Gambale and Michal Shapiro) decided to make it feature-length when they learned Sister Fa was going back to her home village to convince the elders to abandon FGC. To supplement initial funding from the Doris Duke Foundation for Islamic Art, Steven brought in a grant from Wallace Global Fund and support from private donors.
Sarabah has screened at over 30 festivals and been broadcast around the world, and received widespread educational distribution in the US. It's available in North America through Women Make Movies and in the rest of the world through Yerosha Productions.
Maria Luisa Gambale & Gloria Bremer
Steven Lawrence & Maria Luisa Gambale
Gloria Bremer
Executive Producer
Steven Lawrence
Associate Producer
Michal Shapiro
Movies That Matter, Golden Butterfly, 2011
Montreal Black International Film Festival, Best Mid-Length Documentary, 2012
Cine Golden Eagle, Feature Documentary, 2012